F1GP-Ed Documentation
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This window may seem a bit complicated, but basically all it provides is a
quick way to calculate the teams' HP and drivers' performance figures in
the most realistic way possible. You may create as many events as you want
(ie grand prix) and enter the lap times from which the calculations are
based. The calculator will set the teams' HP and drivers' performance in
the team and driver editors respectively.
Briefly, the teams' HP is based only on the qualifying times as this is the
best indication of relative performances between teams. The drivers'
qualifying performance is based on the qualifying time as you would expect.
The drivers' race performance is based on the fastest race lap, or
optionally on the qualifying time.
Create new event. You will then need to enter the name of the event.
Delete the current event. All lap times and other data from that event
will be lost.
Move the event up the list. This doesn't affect the calculations - just
the visual representation.
Move the event down the list. This doesn't affect the calculations -
just the visual representation.
The name of the event.
Include in calculation
Determine whether the current event should be used in the calculation.
You may just want the calculation to be based on only a few of the events.
In some cases you might not want a certain event - for example, if lots of
the top drivers drop out or the race result is unusual.
(default is on)
Ignore race
Determine whether race lap times from the current event should be
included in the calculation, or whether the calculation on the current
event should be based entirely on qualifying times.
(default is off)
Name of the current driver, which the lap times correspond to. One way
to select the driver is to click on the arrow buttons to the right of the
Qualifying Time
Qualifying lap time of the current driver. If you set this to 0:00.000
the time will be ignored in the calculation. You might need to do this if
a driver fails to complete a qualifying lap or if a driver qualifies in an
unusually low position (e.g. if starting from the back of the grid after
being disqualified).
Fastest Race Lap
Fastest race lap time of the current driver. If you set this to
0:00.000 the time will be ignored in the calculation. You might need to do
this if a driver fails to complete a race lap, fails to qualify or if a
driver drops out early on in the race.
Best Driver
The best performance figure - corresponds to the qualifying and race
performances in the Driver editor. No driver will get a performance figure
better than this.
Worst Driver
The worst performance figure - corresponds to the qualifying and race
performances in the Driver editor. The fastest driver in a team will not
get a performance figure worse than this, but other driver might if he is
much slower than his teammate.
Mate Factor
Determines how close performance figures can be between teammates. The
lower the value, the closer the performance difference between teammates
will be. It doesn't affect the relative performance between drivers in
different teams - just the relative performance of the slowest driver in a
team compared to his teammate. Values between 1 and 8 are allowed.
(default is 3)
Fastest Team HP
The maximum HP to be used in the calculation. The best team will
usually get this value, but it can sometimes be slightly less (depends on
how many pole positions they lose).
Slowest Team HP
The minimum HP to be used in the calculation. The slowest team will
always get this value.
Calculate Current
Perform the calculation and base it only on the currently selected event
(ignores the "Include in calculation" option). This will set the teams' HP
and drivers' performance in the team and driver editors respectively.
Calculate All
Perform the calculation, basing it on all events that are to be
included. This will set the teams' HP and drivers' performance in the team
and driver editors respectively.
Load an events file. F1GP-Ed will automatically attempt to load an an
events file whenever you load a standard datafile.
Save all figures and events to a separate file.
Converted on 16 Apr 1999 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by Michael Ranner.